You may be wondering if home prices are going to crash. And believe it or not, some people might even be hoping this happens so they can finally purchase a more affordable home. But experts agree that’s not what’s in the cards – and here’s why. There are more people who want to buy a home than there […]
Why This Winter Is the Sweet Spot for Selling
Thinking about selling your house? Here are a few reasons why you may want to do it this season. Buyers looking right now are serious about moving and the number of homes for sale is typically lower this time of year – helping your house stand out. While inventory is higher this year than it’s […]
Don’t Let These Two Concerns Hold You Back from Selling Your House
If you’re debating whether or not you want to sell right now, it might be because you’ve got some unanswered questions, like if moving really makes sense in today’s market. Maybe you’re wondering if it’s even a good idea to move right now. Or you’re stressed because you think you won’t find a house you like. To put […]
More Homes, Slower Price Growth – What It Means for You as a Buyer
There are more homes on the market right now than there have been in years – and that could be a game changer for you if you’re ready to buy. Let’s look at two reasons why. You Have More Options To Choose From An article from helps explain just how much the number of homes for sale has […]
Why Your House Will Shine in Today’s Market
Even though there are more homes available for sale than there were at this time last year, there are still more buyers than there are houses to choose from. So, know that if you’ve got moving on your mind, your house can really stand out. There are several key reasons why there aren’t enough homes to go around […]